Know About Sushi



Once virtually unknown in the - Sushi restaurant in San Francisco, sushi is now a common food associated with the Japanese. So what is sushi? Basically, sushi is cooked rice that has been treated with vinegar and then topped with other ingredients, most commonly seafood.

Sushi is different from raw sliced fish served without a bed or rice, which is called sashimi. The conventional type of sushi is matured fish and rice, safeguarded in salt. Sushi actually signifies it's acrid not crude, a confusion of the Western world - best sushi restaurant in San Francisco.

Sushi rice is unique, short-grained assortment of white rice. Subsequent to cooking, it is blended in with rice vinegar, sugar, and salt. Here and there purpose is included. What makes the Japanese rice so desirable for sushi is its stickiness. While various locales of Japan utilize various kinds of vinegar and flavors for the rice, the rice assortment stays predictable all through Japan. For more information, please visit our site



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